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NCSOFT Enlists Byungmoo Park from VIG Partners to Boost Global Business Strategyk

  • 작성자 : 홈페이지담당자
  • 작성일 : 2024.02.13
  • 조회 : 76
NCSOFT Enlists Byungmoo Park from VIG Partners to Boost Global Business Strategyk

Byungmoo Park (Image courtesy of NC)

NCSOFT, a renowned developer and publisher in the gaming industry, is bolstering its executive team with the addition of Byungmoo Park, Managing Director at VIG Partners. This strategic move is part of NCSOFT’s long-term plan to enhance its global competitiveness and explore new growth avenues.

Park’s impressive career includes stints as a lawyer at Kim & Chang, CEO of Plenus Entertainment (previously Locus Holdings), Korea head and partner at TPG Asia (Newbridge Capital), CEO of Hanaro Telecom, and Managing Partner at VIG Partners. His extensive experience in corporate management, strategic planning, and investment makes him an invaluable asset for NCSOFT’s global expansion endeavors.

NCSOFT anticipates that Park’s diverse expertise will be pivotal in navigating the company’s transition into a leading global enterprise. The official announcement of Park’s appointment as co-CEO is set for the upcoming board and general shareholders’ meetings in 2024.

Representing Pangyo Techno Valley, NCSOFT continues to make strategic moves to solidify its standing in the global gaming market.



